Scholarly Work Portfolio
This Book Talk presentation was created for my Graphic Novel class on Molly Knox Ostertag's The Hidden Witch as a group project (the portions viewable here were created by me). This presentation was delivered as a book talk where we guided classmates through an exercise of questions and answers to increase the understanding of the material and the value of the book as a juvenile graphic novel. As a librarian, this prepared me to do book talks for youth.
Created for my Collection Development course, I evaluated the African American Collection at the Petersburg Public Library and made recommendations on items to be weeded. Items were recommended to be weeded based on a set of criteria, including condition, last check-out, duplication within the system, and content. I don't anticipate working in collection management, but as a public librarian, I will be responsible for keeping my eye on the collection, and identifying items that need to be weeded due to condition or accuracy.
This bibliometric paper, created for my Fundamentals of Information Science class, covered the topic of developing effective Disaster Management plans for public libraries, and compiled material from varied scholarly sources to show the best practices and pitfalls of these types of plans. A detailed Annotated Bibliography was also created with relevant resources. As a special extra, we carved Halloween Turnips for extra credit. This stretched my research skills and prepared me to assist patrons who were working on detailed research.
Created for my Library Technology class, this PowerPoint presentation was developed to combat the misunderstanding that a library card is simply for checking out books. I sought to highlight how a library card can provide additional value and how it offers other services for its patrons. This a valuable exercise that taught me how to express the multiple ways that a library is valuable to patrons.
For my Collection Development Class, I completed an evaluation of the collection and services of one of the Chesterfield County Public Library system branches and performed a community analysis of this community which is located south of the city of Richmond, in one of the most populated counties in the greater metro area. If I every proceed to management, this type of study is helpful in understanding the community we serve.
This Book Talk was created for my Graphic Novel Class and reviewed Linus Liu's Manga Classic: Frankenstein and Emil Harris' My Favorite Thing is Monsters. This small but creative book talk sought to drive engagement with a young adult audience and intrigue them to pick up one of these books the next time they are looking for a great read. As a librarian, this is a skill that was useful to practice, as making videos gets better with multiple tries.
For my Library Management Course, we were tasked with creating a job posting, so I created one for a fictional system in the Tidewater region of Virginia. By using HR best practices, I set the requirements of the position, as well as desired skills, and created an Additional Evaluation Tool to be used for the successful evaluation of the first year of service. If I end up in management, I will use this skill to evaluate potential workers whom I will interview and hire.
This informative presentation was created to bring awareness to the history of the traveling lighthouse boxes that were brought to fruition through a partnership with Andrew Carnegie, around the turn of the century. Presented in our Foundation of Librarianship class, we were tasked to create a presentation on a historical subject of librarianship and present it to the class. There was an accompanying presentation poster created as well. This presentation will help me as I tell stories about and for libraries, helping to tell the tales that are important for management and outsiders to understand our work and field.
This 12-month program guide was created and planned for my youth programming class. This focused on a Young Adult audience and sought to deliver 12 fully conceptualized programs to perform throughout the year. An additional spreadsheet with resources and cost estimates was included to assist in planning and execution. I anticipate (and already have) used this material for future programming at my library and prepared me to do detailed program guides and plans.